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Do You Need To Remove Paint Before Painting?

Do You Need To Remove Paint Before Painting?

If you are a house owner that is getting ready to paint your home, you must first consider removing the old paint from the walls first. Why? If you don’t prepare the walls and add in a fresh coat of paint, the expert Painters Bronte say that there are many chances that the new paint will chip off and flake quickly. Here are a few tips from the house painters Bronte to prepare your walls precisely before painting the walls with a fresh coat of paint –
Prepare the Area
The basic step to achieve best looks for your walls is to prepare the surface well. There is no point in applying a fresh coat of paint over the prevailing decoration. So, always clean up the surface and take away all furniture and appliances from the room. The next step is to cover the floors with a canvas sheet or old newspaper to protect from any debris. The Painters Bronte recommend taping the power sockets to avoid any paint splatter.
Scrape off the Old Paint
It could seem to be a tedious process, but always remember that you must never paint over the peeling old paint. In case, if your walls have paints that are peeling off, make sure to get them scraped off, and do away with the flaking pieces. Don’t worry about how long it takes to scrape off, as this process will prevent the new paint from peeling off.
Fill in Holes and Cracks
In addition to scraping off the old paint from walls, make sure to fill out any holes of cracks on the walls to ensure a smooth and consistent surface for the fresh coat of paint. You could very well use a filler to cover up any visible holes or cracks. If the holes are deeper, you might have to fill them more than once. After this, sand the filled areas to make the surface even, on the application of a new coat of paint.
Clean Up the Walls
After sanding the walls, the debris on the walls have to be removed. Hence the experts in painting services Bronte suggest wiping down the walls with a clean cloth and some detergent. Do this process again using clean water, as it will help ward off any grease or dirt from the walls, and helps with an easy painting process.
User Primer on Dark Walls
In case, if you are looking to paint a dark wall with a lighter shade, make use a primer beforehand. Primer helps retain the light coat of the paint well. Generally, painting a dark wall requires using multiple coat of paint over it. Hence, using a primer might turn out to be more cost-effective, as the wall could be immediately painted with the light shade paint.
These are just the essentials of how to effectively paint over a painted wall. Hopefully, these tips will help prepare your walls better before painting!

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